Contemporary CIRCUS Troupe
About the company
is Estonia's first professional contemporary circus troupe. Big Wolf Company was founded by Grete Gross and Lizeth Wolk in 2015, when the creation of the play "Eternal Dinner" began. Lizeth and Grete graduated from Finnish Circus School (SaSak Circus Education, Lahti)
Joining forces, Big Wolf Company creates performances for every taste: stylish retro comedies but also touching solo productions. The troupe moves towards a common goal, to make the whole of Estonia love circus and to show how versatile circus art can be.
Lizeth's home has become aerial hoop / lyra / ring. She is fascinated by the simple but complex nature of this circus instrument and the opportunity to grow the ring into a new limb.
Lizeth is the sober mind of the Big Wolf Company, she is specific and deals with misunderstandings and stupid situations. Her positivity does not allow the mood to go down during dry training hours or too serious meetings.
Lizeth has also saved the day with her sewing skills, many of the productions costumes have been made by her hands.
However, her weakness has become writing official letters, the girl can't logically line up the words.
Grete was enchanted by the dicipline cloud swing/aerial hammock. It is with this circus attribute that she spreads her wings and shows how to take advantage of gravity.
Grete is the mouthpiece of Big Wolf Company. She is extremely productive and makes the projects roll like snowballs.
In addition to good lobbying, Grete is also a good motivator in training and other difficult situations.
But when it comes to handycrafts, Grete is not the right person to handle such things.